Mystic CT can is an amazing destination for the whole family. It is a complete vacation package as it offers everything that any would want to have amazing time with family. It offers history to boats, to pizza to whales. It also has amazing art galleries and studios that exhibit the art of local and regional artists. You can plan a visit to mystic CT at any time of the year because in the summer you can enjoy its outdoor adventures and in winter you can visit to praise the beauty of its flora. Mystic, CT is the perfect destination for a family to have fun. As you start your journey to mystic interact with the calmness and soothing smell of the seaside in the air, you can sail to anywhere because it is located over the mystic river and gives a chance to explore the history of maritime.


If you are an adventurous family who loves to encounter the strong tides of water, a mellow family who just wants to have fun at the beach or a family who enjoys who history, Mystic CT has everything for you. If you are planning to have mystic CT family fun then you are going to have an amazing time with your family and you will make many memories.

The Mystic Drawbridge is a spectacular bridge that is located in downtown Mystic and is 21ft long. This amazing bridge brings 230 tons up in the air every hour to create an amazing view for its visitors. It stops the traffic to let the boats through that have been waiting for it to go up so they can pass through.

The Mystic Aquarium is a place to have an amazing time with your family. The aquarium has an amazing collection of sea mammals from beluga whales to sea lions, from penguins to barracudas, from sharks to starfish. Our accomplished guides will guide you to learn about the animals.
Visit the Mystic seaport you get the opportunity to board on the ancient whaling ship, you can visit the 19th century recreated village, you can watch antique vessels or visit the planetarium.